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Life Force Retreat

  • Lama Gangchen Albagnano Healing Meditation Center Via Campo dell’Eva, 5 28813 Bee VB ITALY (carte)


A retreat located in the Healing Meditation Center in Albagnano, a precious and magical place lived by lama and monks from the Tibetan Buddism Lineage in the north of Italy, surrounded by flourishing nature and beautiful landscapes with the view of the Maggiore lake. 

We designed a deep practice that aligns your body with nature to experience life force. This includes asanas practices coordinated with breath, breathwork, workshops, psychic sleep.  

4 Asanas practices. Body exercices coordinated with a specific breath. As certified and experienced teachers, we will based our classes with traditional Antrashod method., 

2 Breathworks & 2 Meditation. In the yogic tradition, breathwork is included in the yoga pranayama practice with bandhas and retention. It is meant to enhance the life force and to experience a vibrant body. 

3 Workshops. 3 differents workshops of 2 hours each, focusing on the body and the mind. 


The retreat will be hold in English with support French and Italian.

Only experience built our self. 8 months lockdown together in Rishkeish gave us AN amazing opportunity to grow and deep our practices. This retreat is the fruit of our endless effort and discipline devoted during this period. Through our friendship and unique learnings, we are excited to share these knowledge with joy.



DAY 1, Friday 5 of November 2021

03.00 pm Welcome 

03.30 pm Antarashod yoga

05.00 pm Workshop

07.30 pm Dinner

09.00 pm Meditation

DAY 3, Sunday 7 of November 2021

07.00 am Pranayama and Meditation

09.00 am Breakfast

10.30 am Antarashod yoga

01.00 pm Lunch

03.00 pm Workshop

05.00 pm Closing and Puja 

DAY 2, Sunday 6 of November 2021

07.00 am Pranayama and Meditation

09.00 am Breakfast

10.30 am Antarashod yoga

01.00 pm Lunch

03.00 pm Yoga nidra

04.00 pm Workshop

07.30 pm Dinner

09.00 pm Meditation

Antrashodh Method.

Antrashodh is a unique source of inner inspiration and power-store. Through the exercise of outwardly internal parts and meditation, the impact of inner inspiration becomes faster. The body becomes stronger, controlled and the soul is enhanced. Based on scientific techniques, the benefits of this practice will increase the mental state and behavior. 

Healing Meditation Center – Albagnano – Maggiore Lake.

How to get there ?

2.5h from Valais (Sion) and 1.5h from Milano

2h from Milano Airport

More information directly here in the website

Albagnano Healing Meditation Centre (AHMC) is located near Bee in the province of Verbania, Italy. Overlooking the suggestive panorama of Lake Maggiore, at an altitude of six hundred metres, Albagnano is immersed in pine and chestnut woods bordering on the edges of the Val Grande National Park and the Holy Trinity of Ghiffa National Reserve.

Lama Gangchen Tulku Rimphoce.

Tibetan Master and Healer T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen Tulku Rinpoche inaugurated Albagnano Healing Meditation Centre in 1999. He lived in Albagnano since that time, bringing together a community of people who share an interest in spirituality and wish to live in harmony with nature, carrying out numerous projects that contribute to revitalising the village and rural culture. Lama Gangchen  Tulku Rinpoche passed away in april 2020.

Tibetan Buddhist Temple.

The Temple of Heaven on Earth is a place of Buddhist study and practise as well as an exceptional cultural destination, displaying valuable sacred artefacts from different countries around the world. The Temple is an impressive circular structure, similar to a mandala, and is inspired by Borobudur, the stupa mandala built in the eight century on the island of Java in Indonesia.

The Temple of Heaven on Earth is a sacred space of 500 square metres decorated according to the traditional Tibetan Buddhist style. In the centre of the Temple is a column filled with more than 100,000 Brazilian rock crystals, representing the central channel. The walls are completely frescoed with the ‘Tattoo Wall’ technique. The original paintings, found in the most important Indian and Tibetan monasteries of our tradition, are stunningly reproduced and cover every inch of the wall.

Ocean of Mandalas.

Looking up at the ceiling it is possible to admire the breath-taking Ocean of Mandalas: 108 circular mandalas with a central square mandala of the Five Supreme Healers; the Five Dhyani Buddhas. The Temple is home to a number of large statues – such as the Five Supreme Healers and the Five Great Element Mothers – carved in lava stone by a Javanese artist in the Indonesian style of the Borobudur stupa mandala. Inside the Temple there are many other precious religious objects from the most important Asian Buddhist countries such as Tibet, China, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea. In addition to being unique for its beauty, spiritual and artistic wealth, the Temple is also brimming with archetypal symbols that can be used to help us protect and transform our mind. All those entering the Temple are immersed in a special energy of peace.



Double room CHF 275.-*/305.-

Single room CHF 295.-*/325.-

Dormitory CHF 255.-*/385.-

includes. 1 night, 2 lunches, 1 dinner, 2 days practices


Double room CHF 380.-*/405.-

Single room CHF 425.-*/455.-

Dormitory CHF 340.-*/370.-

includes. 2 nights, 2 lunches, 2 dinners, 3 days practices

*earlybird until the 31st of October 2021

  • All meals are vegan

  • Green pass required

Rooms in the Center

Événement antérieur: 10 octobre
Atelier Surya Namaskara & Pranayama